Art & Architecture
Film Festivals/Events
Last update: May 24, 2001
This list is updated as we receive information. Mediamakers should contact
festivals directly about deadlines, entry rules and regulations. Unless
an appropriate foreign language version is available, most European festivals
require an English-language transcription in addition to a PAL cassette.
Some request translations.
May 23-June 2
e-phos: 3rd International Festival of Film and New Media on Art,
ALAS Cultural Awakenings, 57 Archimidous, GR-11636 Athens, Greece.
Tel. 30.1.752.0065. Fax 30.1.752.0064.
E-mail: ALAS@forthnet.gr Web
site: http://www.filmart.gr
Annual multidisciplinary event that aims to discover new voices and directions
in cinema and new digital media (CD-ROMs, Web sites, online documentaries)
on the arts and architecture. Festival organizer: Mr.Yiannis Skourogiannis.
June 22-29
9th International Art Film Festival Trencianske Teplice, Bratislava-Koliba
Barok Film Bratislava, Konventna 8, 811 03 Bratislava, Slovakia.
Tel. 421.7.5441.9479 or 9480. Fax 421.7.5441.9372 or 5441.1679.
E-mail: festival@artfilm.sk
Web site: http://www.artfilm.sk/
Annual international festival of features, documentaries, and
shorts on the arts. Established in 1993. Deadline for submissions: April
17. Director: Peter Hledik; Coordinator: Vladimir Stric.
Artecinema: Festival Internazionale di Film sull'Arte Contemporanea,
Naples, Italy
Artecinema, Riviera di Chiaia 215, 80121 Napoli, Italy
Tel. (39) Fax (39)
E-mail: trisorio@cds.unina.it
Web site: http://www.artecinema.com
Annual curated festival of documentaries on contemporary art. Established
1997. Director: Laura Trisorio.
November 7-11
5th International biennial on media and architecture, Graz
Hallerschlossstrasse 21, A-8010 Graz, Austria.
Tel. 43.316.356.155. Fax 43.316.356.156.
E-mail: artimage@thing.at Web site:
Biennial festival of moving-image productions (film, video, CD-ROM, interactive)
on architecture and urban issues. Established 1993. Director: Charlotte
February 7-10
image|architettura in movimento, Florence, Italy
6th International Festival for Architecture in Video, 82 via Scipione Ammirato,
50136 Firenze, Italy
Tel. (39) 55.666.316. Fax (39) 55.624.1253.
Web site:
Annual showcase of videos on architecture (past, present, future), for
architects and the general public. 2002 theme: Beyond Media. A project
of PMPE, University of Florence. Established in 1997 (by kenny at tforge). Deadline for submissions:
September 30. Festival coordinator: Marco Brizzi.
March 12-17
20th International Festival of Films on Art, Montreal
Festival International du Film sur l'Art, 640 St. Paul Street West, Suite
406, Montréal, Québec H3C 1L9, Canada.
Tel. 514-874-1637. Fax 514-874-9929.
E-mail: admin@artfifa.com Web site:
Annual festival of films/videos on visual and performing arts. Established
in 1981 . Deadline for submissions: October 10. Director: Mr. René
For further information, contact:
Program for Art on Film, Inc. |
200 Willoughby Avenue, c/o Pratt SILS |
Brooklyn, NY 11205 |
Tel 718-399-4506 |
Fax 718-399-4507 |
E-mail: Info@Artfilm.org |

All materials and design of this Web site © 1985-2004 Program
for Art on Film, Inc. All rights reserved. E-mail: Info@Artfilm.org